Did you ever find yourself in front of the mirror

“Okay! From now on I promise I will change. I will change my habits and the way I use my phone. I will reduce and unplug. I promise.”

speaking to the reflected-you like this?

Let me ask you another question. How many times did it happen?

If your answer is more than once, it means that your good intention and that resolute and determined version of you failed somehow. Well, we can tell you that you’re not the only one around here. Despite all the effort, it always seems we are going nowhere or we are stuck.

But someone decided to write a book about it and now we are glad to tell you that you can make it!

Here you are: 365 Ways to Log Off and Live Better – that’s what the title says. This little book offers 365 achievable ways to take small breaks from technology during your everyday life; its suggestions may encourage you to unplug from electronics and appreciate your surroundings. With an inspiring sentence for every day of your year, you will be able to live better, notice it and reflect on the power of unplugging.

Enjoy the reading!